How is celandine used for warts?

wart celandine plant

Celandine, due to its useful properties, is very actively used both in cosmetology and medicine.

It is also very important to know that celandine can be a useful and at the same time dangerous plant, therefore, using it in home recipes, you need to be very careful.

Freshly squeezed celandine juice is rich in many different useful substances.

Its proper use helps to eliminate warts, calluses and acne.

What do we mean by the phrase "correct use" of warts?

We tell you everything in this article.

The use of celandine in the treatment of warts

The method of getting rid of unpleasant warts at home involves the use of fresh juice from the stem of celandine.

First, before applying the juice, it is necessary to moisten the wart with water, and then gently rub the juice of fresh celandine.

This procedure should be repeated about four times a day.

And the entire full course of such treatment can be extended up to 2-4 weeks.

And the darkening of the wart and its gradual wrinkling, after which the complete disappearance, will testify to the positive result of this treatment.

Also effective in the fight against warts are ointments based on dried celandine juice: mix equal parts of celandine juice with petroleum jelly, and with the resulting mixture lubricate existing warts several times a day. The same alternative of a mixture of celandine juice with glycerin.

Also, some believe that swallowing drops of squeezed celandine juice can help get rid of warts, but this is very dangerous, since the plant is poisonous.

Application in medicine

In medicine, warts are removed, both by cosmetologists and dermatologists. In this regard, representatives of traditional medicine have their own proven methods of solving this problem. One of these effective methods is the use of ointments prepared on the basis of celandine. During this procedure, the warts are also moistened with water, and around the wart, in order to protect the skin, it is necessary to treat it with a baby cream. Ointment with celandine point should be applied to the problem area. This method must be repeated according to the attached instructions.

Be careful, celandine is a poisonous plant!

In addition to all the useful qualities, there are some precautions and contraindications in the use of products based on celandine.

It is important for everyone to know that this plant contains poison, which has the ability to burn the skin.

And the removal of warts with the help of components of celandine is fraught with wound healing for a long time.

And if the warts are located in the face area, then when they are removed, a scar may remain, which is unpleasant.

And in case of contact with the skin of the concentrated fresh juice of this plant, it often leads to microburns on the skin.

And due to the high toxicity and dangerousness of celandine, it is contraindicated in the treatment of both young children and pregnant and lactating women.

Always be healthy and beautiful!